How much did the $30 monthly Solar Together incentive influence your decision to join this plan? Extremely important Extremely important Somewhat important Not very important Not important at all
How much did the $100 sign-up bonus impact your decision to join the program A major factor – it strongly influenced my decision A major factor – it strongly influenced my decision A minor factor – it helped, but wasn't the main reason Neutral – I would have joined with or without it No impact – it didn’t affect my decision
Compared to what you expected, how satisfied are you with your overall energy costs under this plan? Very satisfied Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
How clearly was the Solar Together plan explained to you before you signed up? Very clearly – I understood everything Very clearly – I understood everything Mostly clearly – I had a few minor questions Somewhat clearly – I needed additional clarification Not very clearly – I was unsure about some details Not at all – I didn’t understand it properly
If you responded 'Not Very Clearly' or 'Not Clearly' - What aspects of the plan were unclear or needed a better explanation?
How easy was it to arrange your solar and battery installation? Very easy – everything went smoothly Very easy – everything went smoothly Somewhat easy – but there were minor delays/issues Neutral – neither easy nor difficult Somewhat difficult – I experienced challenges Very difficult – the process was frustrating
If you responded 'Somewhat Difficult' or 'Very Difficult' please let us know what difficulties you experienced during the installation process
responded the responded
If you needed a smart meter upgrade, how easy was the process? Very easy – no issues at all Very easy – no issues at all Somewhat easy – minor delays but nothing major Neutral – neither easy nor difficult Somewhat difficult – I encountered challenges Very difficult – the process was frustrating Not applicable – I did not require a smart meter upgrade
If you responded 'Somewhat Difficult' or 'Very Difficult' please let us know what challenges you faced with the Smart Meter Upgrade
If you could change one thing about the energy plan or product, what would it be?" (Open-ended response
Would you be open to a follow-up discussion about your experience with the program? Yes, please Yes, please No, thank you
If you agreed to a follow-up discussion, can we follow up with you via phone? Yes, please Yes, please No, thank you