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Thank you for taking the first step towards smarter energy savings! You should have an email in your inbox confirming your registration.
We’re now connecting you with one of our trusted solar installation partners. They’ll reach out shortly to organise a time to create a personalised proposal, showing you just how much you can save with our partner’s solar and battery plans.
Keep an eye on your inbox and phone for their contact — we can’t wait to help you start your energy-saving journey!
How is this possible?
NRN partners with energy retailers to provide great energy plans to our customers. Instead of paying for the solar and battery system upfront, you only pay for the solar power that you use, which is cheaper than buying power from the grid. This way, you can save money overall.
Empowering Local Energy
The solar panels and batteries are connected to a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) network, which NRN uses to help manage the supply and demand of electricity in your local area. When the demand for electricity is high, the VPP can use the solar power from the system to help meet the demand, instead of relying on more expensive power from the grid.
Zero Upfront Costs
Wave goodbye to that worry! With NRN, you can leap into solar power without any initial investment. Whether you’re renting, on a carer’s or disability pension, or have had financial hiccups, we’ve got you covered. Go green and embrace solar energy without the financial strain!